Incando Therapeutics

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When I started my own company, Chris was an essential source of information on how to solve on the ground issues and everyday problems that come up in various forms for incipient startups. Having worked with many Singapore incubators, I can say with confidence that Chris and his TRIVE team were always my go to for business basics.

Our company has benefited greatly from Chris’s general strategy advice and the TRIVE network of services, ranging from fundraising to corporate counsel and basics like accounting and HR.
— Percy Luu, CEO and Founder, Incando Therapeutics


TRIVE gives actionable advice, reliable contacts and the feeling of security that goes along with having a trusted and friendly advisor by your side. Despite a busy schedule, all of my calls and queries were returned within the day, if not in minutes. Entrepreneurship is full of uncertainties, but a partner like Chris at TRIVE can help you navigate those tough straits like a pro.



Dr Percy Luu


Fundraised in 7-digit USD

Medical Tech